We should blog. We don't have time to blog. OMG, I love their blog…we should definitely blog. Oh crap, we forgot to blog about that. Would anyone even read our blog? Whatever, we should just do it. Okay, we'll do it. <————murmurings around our studio for the last year.
But alas, we are taking the plunge. So here goes::
what's a 'why'?
We've alllll gone down an Instagram rabbit hole, clicks and clicks away from where we began. Sometimes they prove to be mind-numbing and fruitless, BUT, other times, you discover a brand that really intrigues you. We scroll and scroll until we have decided that this account is one that we may want to follow. And then, {if you are Harp or Gracie}, as the last deciding factor, we click the link to their website. They already have our attention with their Instagram feed, but what are they all about? {Enter the 'about' or 'get to know us' section of their site.} Here's where a well-curated feed differs from a fully-defined brand - their why.
Why did you start your business? Why do you do what you do? Why should I choose your business? Why are you different? SOOOO, Gracie and I thought that we would tackle a little bit of this in our first ever blog post.
{harp's take}
Here's some backstory on me, Harper. I grew up LOVING color. It formed my decisions about what I wanted to wear {Limited, Too neons and sparkles, duh,} which Barbie I wanted {Malibu always had the best outfits,} school supplies {helllllooo Lisa Frank,} and items on my Christmas lists {Sanrio for days, please.} I had a pink room, a purple room, a coral room. (Now, as a Mom, I realize that my parents gave up a little control there, thanks Mom & Dad :) Pre-teen years came with an intense obsession for all things collage. I was constantly cutting out Leo Decaprio's head and mod-podging him alongside any and every bright colored pic I could find. I can remember being sooo proud of my creations as they adorned the cover of my binders. High school brought out an intense obsession with handwriting and typography. Yes, I would practice my handwriting, the perfect freeform star, doodles and swashes. Looking back, I can clearly see my love of design was in me from the beginning.
Okay, here's where my story goes from fun and colorful to a little more, um…' bumpy.' I went to college knowing I wanted to leave with a degree in art or design. Well —realness and humility ahead— I didn't get into the art program..…twice. Nope. Rejected from what I always thought was my path. Years full of courses that didn't interest me and random jobs that weren't fueling my passion were ahead. BUT, this rejection didn't derail my dreams, it just sent me on a detour. And, through internships with some really fun & talented creatives in NYC, a job in ministry that allowed me to spread my wings, and a wildly supportive husband, I've realized no one (or in my case, no school) can define you and tell you what you are capable of doing with your life. The thing that made me enamored by color when I was 5, that had me cutting and pasting for hours when I was 13, and that drove me to perfect my handwriting when I was in high school didn't just disappear because someone wasn't impressed.
I think we are all prone to looking for validation. Validation that we are good enough, smart enough, equipped enough. And while I think that that is a totally normal place to be, we can't stay there. Staying there leaves you always looking outward for your purpose, and that is one thing that FOR SURE lives inside of you :)
So why do I do what I do? Because I love it. Because I love creating. Because I love the communication of design. Because I love crafting cues and persuasions through color and delivery. Because I love how design connects people. Because it's fun. And, because it's was what I was born to do ;)
{gracie's take}
Wellllllllll here's some backstory on me, Gracie. I grew up as almost the complete opposite of Harper, LOL. I was a SUPER tomboy, playing sports every season, the WORST handwriting anyone has ever been cursed with (i'm left-handed, give me a break,) and used to kick and scream (literally) about having to wear bows, or whatever the hell my {sweet & gracious} mother tried to dress me in. But, I was REALLY particular and detail-oriented in how I went about my little life. Looking back and really trying to dive into my WHY, I think about my 'eye.' No, I didn't particularly notice design elements or typography executed well, but I did have a knack for making things look {somewhat} decent. All those years I made PowerPoints for my Christmas wishlist, or helped my mom merchandise t-shirts at summer camps, and won the technology fair (WOOT WOOT} for video design were little nods to my innate love and appreciation for design - noticing good aesthetics is KEY for Girl Creative's success.
Fast forward a bit & I was ready to take on the world of adult life (lol.) I had started to work at my dad's company, began college, and had a MASSIVE desire to get out of North Georgia and graduate from a 'big' school. Well, (insert life) none of that happened according to my plan. Life-altering events left me empty, full of doubt, and honestly, just confused. Everything happens for a reason… while you are in that {reason}, it is really hard to understand & see that. BUT, while my life may have been derailed & foggy for a while (sometimes still is) I was never unmotivated. I graduated from college with a degree in marketing (go roadrunners), married the #LOML & had no idea where I was headed in the professional field. ( I interviewed for so many jobs & legit never got a single call back- shoutout to Caleb Carnes (Harp's hubby) for being the only person that would hire me- the real MVP.) All the while, I still was using that 'eye' for design— building websites for friends on the side, helping my older sis with her photography business, (tried) to start a baking business where I designed my logo, web, and social presence— but still not really noticing that design was inside of me… and that was okay. Because like I said, life is funny, & people & circumstances enter it for reasons. They mold you, teach you, and inspire you to strive to achieve your goals & dreams.
The journey we are all on is crazy and hard but man, is it rewarding - especially when you freaking love what you do. I love the process, the people, and the challenges we are faced with each and every time we take on a project. Creating & empowering businesses with a badass brand that parallels their values & vision is so cool. And, honestly, I am just really thankful.